"Refocusing Science and Technology Toward Engineering Innovation for Our Sustainble Developments"

Flash News

Dear contributors,

You and your conference participants can access your volume on our AIP Publishing platform here: https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/issue/2601/1.

Thank you so much

IC-STAR 2021 Committee


14 selected papers of IC-STAR 2020 have been accepted for publication at JASE (SJR Q3 and Scopus indexed). The committee would like to appreciate and congratulate for this success, we hope to have more papers for the next event

73 papers of IC-STAR 2020 have been published in IOP MSE Series ID#1173. Congratulation for the success, we invite you all to check the link https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/1173/1/011001


Keynote Speakers*

*) Under final confirmation, will be updated time to time
Dr. M. V. Reddy

Dr. M. V. Reddy

Hydro-Quebec - Canada

Transportation Electriification and Energy Storage

Prof. Mohd. Nasir Tamin

Prof. Mohd. Nasir Tamin

UTM - Malaysia

Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics

Pro. Jung II Song

Pro. Jung II Song

CWNU - South Korea

Mechanical Engineering


Advisory Board

Advisory Board

•Prof. Toshiro Ohashi,
Hokkaido University, Japan
•Prof. Akio Tomiyama,
Kobe University, Japan
•Prof. Hadi Nur,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
•Prof. Suharno,
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia
•Prof. Gurumurthy Hegde,
BMS College of Engineering, India

General Chair

General Chair

•Professor Ir. Dr Ramesh Singh Kuldip Singh,
University Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam

Conference Chairs

Conference Chairs

•Dr. Denni Kurniawan,
Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam

Conference Co Chair

Conference Co Chair

•Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia



•Dr. Khairudin,
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia – TPC Chair
•Mr. A. Yudi Eka Risano,
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia – General Secretary
•Dr. Fethma M Nor,
Curtin University Sarawak, Malaysia – Treasury
•Mr. Afri Yudamson,
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia – IT and CMS
•Mr. Hery Dian Septama
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia – Publication and Circulation

Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee

•Dr. Irza Sukmana,
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia - SC Chair
Dr. Ahmad Kafrawi Nasution,
Muhammadiyah Univsity of Riau, Indonesia - SC Co- Chair

SC Members

SC Members

•Prof. Rafaqat Hussain,
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
•Assoc. Prof. Taufiq Mulyanto,
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indoneisa
•Dr. Shirley Savetlana –
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia
•Dr. Dwi Gustiono,
Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology – BPPT, Indoneisa
•Dr. Basem Abu Izneid,
University of Business and Technology, Saudi Arabia
•Assoc. Prof. Lilis Hermida
Universitas Lampung, Indonesia
•Dr. Taha Abd Elrahman,
Unviersite de Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
•Dr. Dandi Bachtiar,
International Network on Science, Technology and Education Programme, INSTEP Network, Indonesia
•Dr. Uceu Suhuddin,
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
•Dr. Ahmad Zahran Md. Khudzari,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
•Dr. Ainul Ghuri,
Udayana University, Indonesia
•Dr. Yanuar Z. Afief,
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
•Dr. M. Fakhrul Ulum,
IPB University, Indonesia